It has been great to read your page since I first wrote over a year ago. At the time of my first prayer request I asked you to pray for me and my husband as we were thinking about changing from a ministry of 20plus years as missionaries to coming back home to the States. Well, that was the longest year of my life. Many hurtful things has happened since then but my husband and I kept our faith. Knowing that God is always in control and He does direct our every steps.
We gave our life to a certain group of people on the mission field and at the end they betrayed us. How? We had not only shown them to the knowledge of the Lord,but also helped them better their lifestyles by finding them jobs. We worked with one man for 15 years, (treating him as our son) and as he grew in the Lord, married and had children...we took them in, loved them and his children were like our grand children. After ordaining him and the church that we started called him as their pastor,we decide it was time to leave. As we looked for a new beginning in the states this same wonderful young man began a path of greed. He destroyed the buildings that we built for the ministry, by digging up the floors looking for gold. He totally ruined his testimoney.... on top of all that, before we left.. we had found out that somehow him and his wife contracted AIDS. They lost their third child and we loved it, held it, and helped bury the child. Thinking it could had been from needles at the hospital... we thought he was still fit to be the pastor.
If you were there you would not have known a wiser man, and one that knew the Bible ....but turned out to be a wolf in sheeps clothing.On going back to investigate the matter we found that his wife had a contract for our lives....(to hire someone to kill us) How could something that seemed so wonderful turn out so horrible? We had to get lawyers and evict the family off the church property. What was really bad is we wonder how we could have been so blind?Was our 20plus years there as missionaries waisted?Well,,Romans 8:28 is always there.
At the same time as finding out all of this we had a church call my husband as their next Pastor... We agreed and thought we would go back and share our joy with this young man....but instead it was a huge slap on the face and heart.We had to resign as missionaries from our group. And from the 120 churches that supported us for 20 years...we only had two letters of encouragement.Even our own mission board did not even care about us leaving the field....they didn't want to hear about the woes on the field.We have started a new beginning with wounded hearts. But we look only to the Lord to help us through the hurt.
I guess I would first thank you for letting me share that all with you and also ask that you pray for my husband as he Pastors (which he feels is definitly the right place to be now) and for me as I play a new role. Pastor's wife. I will need to find a job so I ask that you pray for me just to know where to begin.Thanks for your web sight and allowing us to share our hearts with you!
Read Girlfriends Mentor, Drewe Llyn's Response