Dear Girlfriends,
My husband and I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant with no luck. Last year around June I took two different pregnancy tests on the same day and both were positive. We thought we had finally got what we prayed for, only to find out that five days later I began bleeding. At the emergency room all that was done was a urine test, and the dr said that I was not pregnant but would expect my period instead. I didn't understand how I could have two different tests say positive and days later there was no trace of anything.
Well a year has passed and after lots of medication to move my cycle, prayer, and waiting, we found out that we might be pregnant again. I was very cautious due to the situation last year. I took a blood test at the clinic before I even made an appointment to see the doctor. After the results said pregnant, I scheduled an appointment. Everything went fine when the dr checked me out and I requested an ultrasound to make sure everything was implanted in the uterus. I thought I was 6 weeks when we did the first ultrasound, so therefore hoped to see the heartbeat on the screen. The ultrasound had me at 5 weeks 5 days, and no heartbeat was seen. The technician told me it was probably still too early. A week later a second ultrasound was done. This is the day no heartbeat was found and I was diagnosed to miscarry.
I was devasted and upset, yet a certain peace lingered within me. I understand that God has reason for everything and tried to see that. Since I had not had any bleeding or symptoms of miscarrying, I chose not to do an immediate d&c. The next day after researching about misdiagnosed miscarriages, I called my doctor for a blood test. After waiting several days for the results, I called from a youth camp where I was chaperoning for the week. My hcg levels were 21,000 which were somewhat high. After my week at the youth camp, I still felt a peace from God and every lesson seemed directed to me. I definately had a divine appointment there that week.
When I returned from the camp, I went in for another blood test to see if my levels were increasing or decreasing. Days later at my dr's appointment I found out that my levels had dropped to 7900. It was as if I was reliving the first time they told me again. All last week I had hope for a "miracle baby" yet it seems that is not what God had in mind. I finally have scheduled a d&c for Monday, and I am very scared. I don't want to wait and see how long my body will hold this child before it decides to expel it. That could take weeks or months. I want to try again so badly and get back to the point that I left off of. Of course the dr says wait three months, but I know this will be a long three months. To make peer pressure worse, I have several friends that are pregnant right now. I know these next few months of waiting and hoping my cycle works out will be nerve-wracking. Please pray that the procedure will be successful (no infections and such) and that I will be able to deal with the events of the next couple of months.
Thanks for listening!
God bless!
Read Girlfriends Mentor, Drewe Llyn's Response